b:include data='blog' name='all-head-content'/> Brad Cohen's Front of the Class: How Tourette Syndrome Made Me The Teacher I Never Had: December 2005

Wednesday, December 14, 2005

Richmond, Virginia

My last stop on my Jewish Book Festival was Richmond, VA and I had a great turn out. I actually spoke two times. Once to the high school students and then to the adults. After my first presentation, many of the adults who were around commented how well behaved the high school students were and what amazing questions they asked. These kids were focused and I hope they got the message I was delivering in that we must give every child a chance. If a few students didn't give me a chance to join their group of friends, then I might not be where I am today!

Barnes and Noble in Norcross, Georgia

What a great time I had when I visited the Barnes and Noble near Stripling Elementary School where I worked last year in Gwinnett County. I had a chance to see many of the former teachers I use to work with. It was also nice to meet many of the other people who stopped by to meet me and buy my book. This was my final book signing at a bookstore for the year. It is nice to have the first leg of my author career done!

Georgia Counselor's Conference in Augusta, GA

What a great opportunity I had to speak at the Counselor's Conference on November 17th. Counselors from across the state of Georgia visited Augusta to learn more and bring back ideas to their schools. I presented on Tourette Syndrome and shared my motivational story with the group.

It is important for counselors in schools to know that they make a huge difference in the lives of children and teachers. I wanted to share with them that they can make a difference. I shared my story of what life was like for me growing up as a "different" student in the school. I wanted to motivate them and remind them that all it takes is for one person to make a difference in the life of a child. I made sure they had good knowledge of Tourette's and other associated issues that go along with TS.